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Business Report for

from 27 Jan 2023 to 13 Mar 2023

Born May 04, 1975
23:20:00 (time zone = +3 hours)

23e44, 37n59

Introduction to the Business Report

This forecast report gives future trends for people engaged in running a business or making business decisions. Interprets transiting-to-natal aspects that strongly affect one’s business pursuits.

At the top right margin after the dates, the abbreviated names of the aspects and the two factors involved are given. For example, “Jup Sqr MC” means that during the given dates “transiting Jupiter” is squaring your “natal Midheaven”. That is to say, the first factor that appears is always the transiting planet (present position of the planet in the zodiac), while the second component of the pair is “natal”, or the position it was in the zodiac at your birth. Also, the Midheaven (MC) is the apex or beginning of the 10th house.

At the beginning of each interpretation the complete name of the aspect and the two factors involved are given in capitalized letters. As before, the first planet is in “transit” while the Midheaven is “natal”. Below it, the INTENSITY of the aspect is indicated in a scale from 1 to 10. That is to say, an aspect with an influence of 1 is very weak and may not even be noticed. On the other hand, an influence of 10 is very powerful. We can consider aspects with an intensity of 8, 9 or 10 VERY STRONG, 6 or 7 STRONG, 4 or 5 AVERAGE, DECREASING at 2 or 3 and VERY WEAK at 0 or 1.

This report outlines the aspects between the transiting planets on one hand, and the apex or beginning of the 10th house in the natal chart on the other. Traditionally, besides the ten astrological planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), two points in the chart are considered very important. The first is the Ascendant or beginning of the 1st house, related to the personality and appearance of the individual. The second is the Midheaven or apex of the 10th house, connected with the materialization of goals and initiatives, as well as professional success and social recognition. The Midheaven represents the aims or goals and the desire for concrete action. Therefore, the astrological aspects that affect the Midheaven are important in choosing the right time to start a business, commercial or professional initiative.

First, this report is based on the birth date of the owner, founder, or major associate of the business in question. In case there is more than one relevant associate, it is advisable to consult the Business Forecast for the second associate as well.

Second, to obtain this report, the party should provide an approximate time for the business to be opened. The report then will give relevant dates for the most advantageous and least desirable time to proceed with it. In case there is more than one owner, it would be ideal to locate a date in both forecasts that may have positive aspects or, at least, that neither have disharmonious aspects.

But one might question the date one must consider. Does it constitute the date the corporation was formed, the day on which the license was obtained, the day the premises were rented, or the moment in which the toast was made? The answer is very simple. The date of astrological validity is the one on which the business started to serve the public. This is the real “birth” of the business, while everything else constitutes the period of “gestation” of that enterprise.

As a rule, it can be said that the best time for opening a business, in order of strongest to weakest influence, is the following (a higher intensity indicates greater influence): Existence of a TRINE (strong harmonious aspect) between a planet and the Midheaven; Existence of a CONJUNCTION (neutral aspect) between a beneficial planet and the Midheaven (only Jupiter conjunct MC can be considered here); Existence of a SEXTILE (mild harmonious aspect) between a planet and the Midheaven; Existence of a CONJUNCTION (neutral aspect) between a planet (except Jupiter) and the Midheaven.

On the other hand, the most problematic dates for founding a business, in order of strongest to weakest influence, are the following: Existence of a SQUARE (strong disharmonious aspect) between a planet and the Midheaven; Existence of an OPPOSITION (mild disharmonious aspect) between a planet and the Midheaven.


Aspects within Time Period of 45 Days

Active from 30 Jan 2023 to 02 Feb 2023

Sun trine MC


The Sun is the symbol of the day and of light, and a business or commercial activity started on this day is especially able to be developed in relation to the public. That is to say, a business born during these days will have a special magnetism for people who observe it from its beginning, since they will detect the clarity and luminosity of the establishment, where everything is put up front. One of the strong points of this business is going to be maintaining its prices, always being direct and honest, and dealing with very exclusive clients. Clients will appreciate this sincerity and, because of this, will be especially faithful. If you continue this golden rule and at all cost avoid dishonesty, unclear points, deceptive sales, or concealing certain defects of the product from the clients, then you will obtain maximal results.

One also must take into account that the Sun represents the creation, the creativity, the sublimation of energies and to a certain degree art, which makes this a very auspicious time to begin an activity or investment in one where aesthetics, force, energy and vitality of the idea will be central elements.

If you think of opening a business during these dates, above all there will be personal assurance that your products truly are the best, that they are leaders in the market and present a higher quality than average. Therefore, besides the first characteristic – sincerity of sales – we come to the second essential key of this business: the quality and nobility of the environment. It is not necessary to adorn your business with overly expensive decorations. Take under consideration that for the client the environment of the local or the decorative elements are not as important as the quality of the purchase. To be successful with your business it is essential to be able “to support” those characteristics that the Sun in harmonious position represents. For example, choose those things that offer a greater guarantee and procure to market products of quality and recognized prestige. This is not so much a large business or one in which basically inexpensive things are prevailing. On the contrary, the most advantageous and right approach for an establishment opened during this time is to encourage distinction, confidence in the product and the best of the materials that are used.

As third fundamental element could be mentioned the dynamic force that is going to be in the life of your business. It consists of extroversion, sociableness and an impeccable image. You as well as your personnel should emphasize the need to encourage the prestige of the business. To attain this, the dealings with clients have to be confident, noble, respectful and at the same time warm. In other words, the image, presence and dignity in dealing with the clients will be fundamental, since only this will be able to generate a competent environment and selling relationship. It will be conscientious and makes your personnel aware of the importance that involves the act of purchasing or selling, which product or service it will be, or the idea that is tried. See it as an energy exchange, as a subtle commitment to the person with whom you exchange your forces and to a certain degree your will. Always let the clients be fully aware of their decision and help in a professional way to establish the right approach, application and use of their purchases. An erudite manner, expansive, well informed and optimistic in dealing with people is what allows you to reach that so essential factor called reputation. Furthermore, never hire personnel that, by apparently being less expensive, in reality may not have a real vocation or individual sense of the work they do. If they transmit discouragement, lack of conviction, insecurity and apathy, it could certainly diminish the halo of self-confidence that was considered as fundamental.

Briefly, this is a good time to begin any commercial activity where the possibility of becoming a leader exists. Not necessarily a leader in sales, but in quality, service, personal dealings and giving attention to the clientele.

For example, it is a time suited to open a business that has contact with the public, such as the government, the town hall or the like. Also, the premises have to be as visible as they can be, and if this is not possible, social contacts will be very important, since they will open doors to the business.

Active from 30 Jan 2023 to 14 Feb 2023

Mars trine MC


A business opened during these dates is labeled with great dynamism and capacity to struggle. Neither the owners, nor the agents, or the personnel are intimidated by unfavorable circumstances. Because of the existing assertiveness and ability to respond, difficulties are surpassed quickly and generally lead to success. These spontaneous decisions have nothing to do with lack of discipline or doing things haphazardly. To the contrary, this business is characterized by following a very clear and defined path with very specific objectives outlined beforehand. There is the ability to make decisions on the spur of the moment, but without losing sight of the reference or goal that is very clear in the forefront.

It is well known that competition is tough and that the price is dictated by the demand of the public or society. To penetrate the complex interest, trends and preferences of the public, it is essential to develop a personal stamp and a very defined line in the industrial or commercial activities or services that are being offered. This is called efficiency, going directly to the point, or simply giving practical solutions to the problems and needs of the clients. A business opened or started during these dates is going to have all of these qualities. Passiveness or a tendency to conform will never exist, and indecision has no meaning in this business.

The force of this business lies in its capacity to struggle, which never should be understood as aggressiveness, but more as competitiveness. Wanting to be a leader by your own merits and standing out from others is no sin. To the contrary, the one who takes the initiative is the one who gains. In that way the clients observe that the personnel and managers of the business are trying their best to satisfy their needs, always procuring that it will be in the most rapid and direct way possible. Many clients probably patronize this establishment because at others they find too many arrears, certain incompetence or lack of definition. On the other hand, in your company they find quick solutions and immediate service. Everyone gains when the relationship with clients is direct, exonerating, energetic, professional and very clear with respect to commitments. In this connection, it is very important that the client always understands the terms of the negotiation, that is to say, what to expect of the product or service as well as the company, including the quality, price, guarantee on parts or maintenance requirements, etc. If from the beginning the seller clearly outlines the characteristics, conditions, advantages and disadvantages of the product to the clients, mutual confidence is earned.

Simultaneously, the client always appreciates knowing that the person who is going to provide a product or service is honest, trustworthy and enthusiastic about the excellence and quality of things he/she is trying to market. Obviously, if the client observes a degree of insecurity in the seller, it is very probable that he will turn around and is gone. However, if the seller of the product in question is transmitting confidence, security and enthusiasm, there is a much better chance that a spark will emerge that will motivate the buyer to decide on the acquisition of the goods or service. The clients also appreciate fast service on items requested that are momentarily out of stock. Though it may seem strange, many times the seller may unconsciously generate problems or obstacles for himself or his client. This, however, will absolutely not occur in this business, since the owners as well as managers and the personnel have a very clear idea of what they want and how to communicate, therefore there is no dubiousness or greater complications. Your philosophy is to make everything easy so that the buyer can easily make up his mind.

Finally, one must mention as key factor of this business its ease at the time of assuming risks. That is to say, the mechanism of the entire business as formed by the owners, managers and personnel will not resent it when it becomes necessary to accelerate the pace of activity, even when attempting to initiate an expansion that involves a certain risk. To the contrary, the new goals, and putting them ahead of other objectives, turn out to be a stimulus for the group of people that participate in the project. Therefore, motivation is fundamental here. In other words, everyone on the payroll should be advanced in direct relationship to their contributions, for their effort in favor of the business and their ability to resolve the daily problems.

Active from 20 Feb 2023 to 09 Mar 2023

Jupiter opposition MC


This is a time when the opening of a business can appear to be very good. However, there is a possibility of many oversights in planning things out that it would be recommended, if possible, to delay the beginning of this activity for a few days or weeks. Basically, the problem could be a wrong calculation of the so called “social factor”. This means assuming that the public will react a given way and with certain interest toward the approach or product that the business is going to supply. But there are evaluation mistakes that easily could be detected, if a good study of the market was made, although studies of this kind are not exactly inexpensive. Since it is not always possible to take surveys and statistics, it would be advantageous to speak with people, test the product, learn to listen and take advice from people that give their opinions or help to promote the business, etc. You should also observe the greater or smaller saturation of the market that surrounds you and the product or service that is provided, for then you have a more realistic idea of the time that it would take to become a part of that market.

In reality, the greater problem is the expectations the owners or managers of the business have created in designating their strategic plan which is excessively optimistic, far-reaching and expansive. This does not mean that the business can’t operate, but that it is making plans for things to produce that are supposed to be marketed in the future. It is as if building a castle out of cards. One must investigate and reflect to determine which elements were miscalculated, since one after the other of those calculations probably were inflated. A mistake in margin on paper can be relatively important.

However, if the plans were modified, departing from assumptions toward somewhat more “pessimistic”, strict or conservative views, it is very probable that the activity of this business will progressively increase. In case the establishment was opened at this time, it is more than probable that you could be modifying deficiencies that have been latent or manifest from its beginning. Briefly, it is essential to curb your expenses and to outline your plans for work that has to be done, and not what is estimated or supposed to be done. Furthermore, it would be wise to evaluate the social factor that can determine in a flash what product or service is more or less in demand: economic crisis, introducing a similar product to the market, price battle among competitors, modes that guide the behavior of the consumer, etc.

Another caution or key issue for a business that may have been opened during the dates listed and already is operating, is to control its indebtedness to the banks, since this at a given moment can turn into a mountain of loans on top of loans, and through re-negotiations will be “paying” the previous ones. It is recommended to plan on stopping this kind of banking and to become mentally strengthened by finding other sources of financing that will not be external. It would be good to reflect on the potentials and strong points of the business, as well as on the possibility of expanding the kind of products or services that are sold in order to increase the income. It is always better to make an aggressive plan or strategy based on one’s own resources and not on other’s resources. That is to say, it is better to use your head seeking ways of stretching your own money, before you can momentarily relax in an armchair, satisfied to have obtained a new loan from the bank.

It is also important to be concerned about the image of the business, but not to perceive the image simply as a facade of it, but with everything that lured the clients inside. This is accomplished by clients follow-up, giving good technical service or guarantees of some type, maintaining a more frequent communication with them, and putting all of your attention toward establishing a realistic, exemplar and serious relationship with them. The basis of this business is maintaining and increasing its prestige, which cannot be procured in any other way than through support and care of the quality. However, if you intend to earn a few dollars more by reducing the service to clients, it will provoke a loss of part of your clientele in a very short time, which certainly will be a burden for the business.

It is necessary, above all, to invest in what is called human capital or human resources. That is to say, to make sure that the staff of the company has an agreeable work environment, and to motivate the development and growth of everyone in the company. For example, it is important to spend what is necessary and a little more on the training of the personal, organizing workshops, activities, meetings or seminars focused on the improvement of dealing with clients and on better knowledge of the product or service that is being sold.

It is also advisable not to create unreal expectations in the client, but to clearly show the advantages and limitations of the product. Although the advantages should be brought out more, the client must understand the reality of each product or service. Remember that the difference between a buyer and a client solely rests on the first acquisition of goods or services. If the buyer is satisfied with his purchase, and some time later returns to buy the product or service from the same company, he becomes a client. You can’t expect to make money with a single sale from a buyer from time to time, but must regard that sale as the beginning of a lasting relationship that can provide a satisfactory business.

Another tendency of this business is to be over committed and then overwhelmed by squeezing too much in the agenda. Because of this, it is necessary that the commitments with clients, suppliers and the personnel will be carried out in an orderly and conscientious way, at all times knowing what was said or promised. One must avoid being too enthusiastic in scheduling tasks, signing papers, making appointments or promises for requested deliveries on the same day.

Active from 01 Mar 2023 to 04 Mar 2023

Sun trine MC


The Sun is the symbol of the day and of light, and a business or commercial activity started on this day is especially able to be developed in relation to the public. That is to say, a business born during these days will have a special magnetism for people who observe it from its beginning, since they will detect the clarity and luminosity of the establishment, where everything is put up front. One of the strong points of this business is going to be maintaining its prices, always being direct and honest, and dealing with very exclusive clients. Clients will appreciate this sincerity and, because of this, will be especially faithful. If you continue this golden rule and at all cost avoid dishonesty, unclear points, deceptive sales, or concealing certain defects of the product from the clients, then you will obtain maximal results.

One also must take into account that the Sun represents the creation, the creativity, the sublimation of energies and to a certain degree art, which makes this a very auspicious time to begin an activity or investment in one where aesthetics, force, energy and vitality of the idea will be central elements.

If you think of opening a business during these dates, above all there will be personal assurance that your products truly are the best, that they are leaders in the market and present a higher quality than average. Therefore, besides the first characteristic – sincerity of sales – we come to the second essential key of this business: the quality and nobility of the environment. It is not necessary to adorn your business with overly expensive decorations.

Take under consideration that for the client the environment of the local or the decorative elements are not as important as the quality of the purchase. To be successful with your business it is essential to be able “to support” those characteristics that the Sun in harmonious position represents. For example, choose those things that offer a greater guarantee and procure to market products of quality and recognized prestige. This is not so much a large business or one in which basically inexpensive things are prevailing. On the contrary, the most advantageous and right approach for an establishment opened during this time is to encourage distinction, confidence in the product and the best of the materials that are used.

As third fundamental element could be mentioned the dynamic force that is going to be in the life of your business. It consists of extroversion, sociableness and an impeccable image. You as well as your personnel should emphasize the need to encourage the prestige of the business. To attain this, the dealings with clients have to be confident, noble, respectful and at the same time warm. In other words, the image, presence and dignity in dealing with the clients will be fundamental, since only this will be able to generate a competent environment and selling relationship. It will be conscientious and makes your personnel aware of the importance that involves the act of purchasing or selling, which product or service it will be, or the idea that is tried. See it as an energy exchange, as a subtle commitment to the person with whom you exchange your forces and to a certain degree your will. Always let the clients be fully aware of their decision and help in a professional way to establish the right approach, application and use of their purchases.

An erudite manner, expansive, well informed and optimistic in dealing with people is what allows you to reach that so essential factor called reputation. Furthermore, never hire personnel that, by apparently being less expensive, in reality may not have a real vocation or individual sense of the work they do. If they transmit discouragement, lack of conviction, insecurity and apathy, it could certainly diminish the halo of self-confidence that was considered as fundamental.

Briefly, this is a good time to begin any commercial activity where the possibility of becoming a leader exists. Not necessarily a leader in sales, but in quality, service, personal dealings and giving attention to the clientele.

For example, it is a time suited to open a business that has contact with the public, such as the government, the town hall or the like. Also, the premises have to be as visible as they can be, and if this is not possible, social contacts will be very important, since they will open doors to the business.


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